In writing, I apply Esan parables a lot, because they make it easy for me to drive home my message (s) . For instance there is an Esan  parable which states that instead of asking a man, what can you do ?, he should be asked, what have done in the past ? That parable enables you to assess people . 

As the people of Edo state prepare for the 2024 gubernatorial election in the state, many aspirants have displayed their names and profiles in various media to sell themselves to their parties and the electorates . 

At a newspaper stand , located at the New Benin area, Benin city, a group of men usually called "members of the free readers association",were recently involved in a hot argument . The argument was centred on the  gubernatorial aspirant that should be voted for, out of those that have shown interest . Each of the men picked the name of the aspirant of his choice as the best to occupy the coveted seat. 

While watching those involved in the needless argument , I remembered the aforementioned Esan parable . Immediately, I concluded that instead of asking what qualifies the aspirants to seek the governorship office, we should ask them or find out , what they have done in the past to qualify them to vie for the office .

Professor (Senator) Oserheimen Aigberaodion Osunbor is one of the aspirants known so far. What has this legal luminary done in the past ? What is the content of his profile ? What are his antecedents ? What qualifies him to seek the coveted office ? Has he done anything in the past that can earn him the governorship seat in Edo state ?

In response to the above questions, a pensioner who retired from Edo state civil service, simply said, " Of all those who have shown interest on the job, Sen. Oserhiemen Aigberaodion Osunbor is my choice".

According to the pensioner who does not want his name mentioned, Professor Osunbor as the governor of Edo state in 2007, was really concerned about the welfare of the residents of the state .  

The retiree described Prof. Osunbor as a man who believes that the golden chicken that lays the golden eggs should be taken care of .

In his words, the elated pensioner said, "  Prof.  believes that what is good for the goose is good for the gander . He demonstrated that when he was our state governor  . He felt that the Edo state civil servants deserve good life and consequently, he approved car loans for them . That was how I got my first car in my life . Many civil servants were able to own cars of their own through the magnanimity of Prof. Osunbor then". He concluded .

 That simple but rare gesture by governor Osunbor made some civil servants in Edo state to become proud owners of cars then . Who says Prof. Osunbor will not provide such welfare package and even provide more if he becomes the governor of the state in 2024 ? 

To effectively govern Edo state at this time and provide dividends of democracy for the residents, a man that has experience in governance is needed because experience is a vital ingredient of governance.  Can experience be bought from any supper market in the world ? No. It can only be earned . 

 Fortunately, one of the factors going well for Prof.Osunbor is his level of experience both in government and other spheres of life .

As a two - term Senator, Professor Osunbor, distinguished himself in the red chamber. He was not like the bench warmers who sleep at plenaries . The people of Edo state and indeed the entire Nigerians were satisfied with his performance . They all saw him as a representative in whom they were well pleased .

As Governor of Edo state in 2007, Professor Osunbor did well for the period he spent on the seat . His priority was providing welfare for residents of the state, because he believes that governance is about the welfare of the people. As a prudent and a good manager of resources, he believes that allocations to Edo state should be used to develop the state instead of sharing it into private pockets . 

Even those who may not love Sen. Osunbor for 
any other thing, will certainly love him for being a bundle of excellence and intelligence . 

He graduated from the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka with a First class in Law, in 1975. He was awarded the certificate for the best faculty student and certificate for the best student in the department of Public and Private Law in 1975 . He also received the coveted certificate for the Student with the Best Overall Performance in the Nigerian Bar Examination and the Dr.Taslim Olawale Elias Prize . Prof. Osunbor was called to the Nigerian Bar in 1976 and was awarded a PhD in Law in 1981.

A knight of St. Christopher and an academic who was a head of department and a Dean of faculty in the university at different times, Professor Osunbor has produced great men and women within Nigeria and beyond . 

This unassuming, humble and disciplined  legal luminary was born by Mr. A. Osunbor and Dame F. Osunbor who  were both renowned school teachers . He therefore has no excuse not to be responsible and honorable in any office he occupies .

Presently, Edo state suffers economic crisis and infrastructural decay . Therefore, the state deserves a man that is equipped enough to change the narrative for the better .

Indeed, there is time for everything . This is the time the Lord has made for Professor Oserheimen Aigberaodion Osunbor to serve the people of Edo state .

Two of the factors that have militated against the success of some state governors in the country, are lack of experience and lack of preparation for the job. 

In the case of Professor Osunbor, he is vying for a familiar office, having been a governor in the state earlier . He is tested, trusted, capable, able, well equipped, zealous, fully prepared and ready to serve the good people of Edo state as governor and create smiles on their faces .


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