The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), The International Organization for Migration(IOM) and other stakeholders have marked the 2023 edition of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons in Benin City, capital of Edo state .

The annual event which is usually commemorated on the 30th day of July, is to create awareness on human trafficking as well as promote and protect the rights of trafficked victims, which include persons  with disabilities . The campaign is also an opportunity to sensitize the public on the emerging trends and developments regarding vulnerable groups targeted by human traffickers, including migrants , refugees, asylum-seekers, internally displaced persons, survivors of Gender Based Violence and others . The commemoration is also aimed at calling on governments, law enforcement agencies and the civil societies to strengthen prevention , identify and support victims as well as end impunity . The theme of this year's edition is, "Reach every victim of trafficking, leave no one behind".

According to the Zonal Commander, Benin Zonal Command, NAPTIP, Barr. Nduka Nwawenne, the hearing impaired and people with other forms of disabilities have been  targeted this year because they are also vulnerable to human trafficking . Through their involvement in this  year's campaign, they are expected to have the knowledge and understanding of issues of human trafficking .

NAPTIP, UNHCR and IOM have been at the fore front in the war against human trafficking for a long time now . The trio have committed a lot of time and resources to the fight against the scourge . For the three organizations, the war against human trafficking is one that must be won . They have vowed to totally eradicate or drastically reduce the menace of human trafficking in the society .

As part of its efforts to stop human trafficking, the UNHCR office in Nigeria in collaboration with various stakeholders which include NAPTIP, civil society groups and refugees produced a short anti-human trafficking film, titled, "Dangerous Hope", which  premiered on 2nd February, 2023 at Abuja . The film has also been screened in Edo, Lagos and Ogun states respectively among refugees, asylum seekers and other stakeholders .

NAPTIP has continued to make giant strides within  its four -point strategic goals, which are : enhanced convictions of high - profile traffickers , sustainable evidence- based rehabilitation, re-integration and empowerment of survivors , enhanced awareness raising and sensitization as well as increased visibility of the Agency and its partners.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) through its various programmes in collaboration with state and non -state actors takes a comprehensive approach  in addressing trafficking in persons by advocating  for better migration management , migrants' right and protecting the physical , mental and social well-being of individuals including those with disabilities and their communities .

According to a press statement jointly made  by NAPTIP, UNHCR and IOM, " Leave no one behind " is the central transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

" In the context of trafficking in persons, leaving people behind means .
* Failing to end the exploitation of trafficked victims .
* Failing to support victim-survivors when they are free from their traffickers ,and
* Leaving identifiable groups vulnerable to traffickers .

" To end human trafficking, we cannot allow this crime to be met with increasing indifference and impunity  . We must strengthen resilience against exploitation and the underlying socio-economic and cultural issues that facilitate the proliferation of trafficking . We must sensitize every one on the topic of human trafficking and thus draw the attention of those who can make a difference in terms of changing policy and national resource management to strengthen prevention measures, improve identification of victims, increase support to survivors and end impunity ".

They further said, "On this year's commemoration, we call for the cumulative efforts of all stakeholders to galvanize support towards addressing the menace of human trafficking and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), most notably SDG 16. 1-3, aimed at significantly reducing all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere , ending abuse, exploitation, trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children, ensure equal access to justice for all at ending abuse, exploitation trafficking and all forms of violence against and torture of children and to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development , provide access to justice for all , and build effective , accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels ".

One of the activities organized for the ceremony was a road walk /rally led by Barr. Nduka Nwawenne . In the procession was the Chairman, Edo state Joint National Association of Persons with Disabilities , Mrs. Anne Ojiugo , who sat on a wheel chair to participate in the exercise . 

In her message, she lamented the trafficking of persons with disabilities in the society .  She expressed sadness that traffickers are taking undue advantage of the unfavourable condition of persons with disabilities to deceive and traffick them .

" Today, I join my voice with NAPTIP Nigeria, NAPTIP Edo state to say stop trafficking in persons with disabilities . To say, no to trafficking , stop going to the villages to deceive our young men and women with disabilities ; you bring them to the city and use them to make money for yourself ". She declared.

The following organizations participated in the ceremony : the International Organization for Migration (IOM), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees( UNHCR), Nigeria Security and Civil Defence, Nigeria Immigration Service, Nigeria Red Cross, a group of hearing impaired people, Edo State Task Force on human trafficking , Greater Returnees , NDLEA, National Orientation Agency(NOA), Ministry of Gender Affairs,  members of the Press and some other civil society groups .


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