I  assess people in different ways and place value on them for different reasons.
 For instance, one of the reasons I doff my hat for the Adolor of Uromi Kingdom, Chief Mike Oziengbe Onolememen is his attitude of talking less but working more.

 Unlike some politicians who forget to project their manifesto to their audience but concentrate their fragile energy to criticize their perceived political enemies, Dr. Onolememen  is focused on what he can do to remedy the numerous problems suffered by his kinsmen ,(his beloved  people of Esan land) in whom he is well pleased. 

He does not believe in mudslinging. As it is right now, he has no enemy of any kind. He has no political enemies. Even the Senatorial Candidates of other political parties are not his enemies. He sees and takes them as brothers who are out to find the best for their District.

Arc. Onolememen seems to work in line with a popular Esan adage which says , " Eba akpa kpa are bu uwa ekele oye". That is, the materials the spider uses for constructing its cobweb are always kept in its stomach (the stomach of the spider).  The spider does not boast about them , it doesn't display or make noise about them (materials) either.When it is time to construct the cobweb, the spider does it right away.

Dr. Onolememen does not believe in making noise . He has found out the problems facing his people ( Esan land) and is prepared to tackle them when he gets to the Senate .

He is not a political neophyte but a politician with enviable experience. In fact, experience, is an important item that cannot be purchased from any shopping mall. 

It may not be very easy for a man to solely provide solutions to all the problems in a community. In such situation, the representative of such community will need the assistance of others. This is where Dr. Onolememen has an advantage over the Senatorial candidates of other political parties in Edo Central Senatorial District 

As a one time Minister of State Defense, Minister of Works and the winner of the best Minister award, 2012, Dr. Onolememen has enough experience and reach to represent the People of Esan Land effectively. He has the connection and good will to seek and attract the necessary assistance of members of the National Assembly from other Districts/Geopolitical Zones and members of the Federal Cabinet, some of whom might have worked with him while he was a member of the federal cabinet in the administration of Dr. Good luck Jonathan. 

All that Chief Onolememen needs now is the total support of the people of Edo Central Senatorial District, to represent them at the Senate. He is sure to create smiles on their faces.



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